How I Became a Digital Nomad and Started Traveling the World

Sam Lepak at Chichen Itza

Greetings – I’m Sam Lepak.

Six months and 11 countries later, I was addicted

Addicted to having unbelievable travel stories, trying new foods, making new friends, and most importantly, the freedom.

After college, I got a work from home (remote) job and moved to Miami, FL.

This freedom and flexibility allowed me to:

  • Work from home in a luxury high-rise
  • Travel around Europe throughout summer and winter
  • Visit family & friends around the US at anytime

Needless to say, I was in control of my life and it was great!

And then everything changed when I lost my freedom and was forced to start working from an office aka the “cube farm”.

After my “aha” moment with my mentor, I was able to convince my boss to let me work from home again.

>> If you want to know more about that, here’s a free book help you do the same (Link HERE). <<

Since earning my freedom back, I’ve spent the last few years as a digital nomad working from home and traveling the world.

Along the way, I’ve been able to…

  • Travel the world visiting 25+ countries
  • Upgrade my standard of living from my Miami lifestyle
  • Save over $20k legally by avoiding US taxes with FEIE
  • Spend more quality time with family and friends, while making new friends all around the world
  • Focus more time on my health and go from 25%+ to 13% body fat
  • Learn how to salsa dance, Muay Thai fight, and speak Spanish

AND make more mistakes than I’d like to admit… 

So why do I share this with you?

Because from my experiences and mistakes, I’ve discovered the proven methods to help you:

  • Be able to work from home – without quitting your job or having to start your own business
  • Travel the world at a higher standard of living for less cost than your current lifestyle
  • Maximize your travel experiences with proven frameworks and systems that help you avoid pitfalls
  • And so much more!

With my help, you too, can have the freedom and flexibility to work from home (remote) and design the digital nomad / travel lifestyle of your dreams.

If you want to take advantage of my experience, then schedule your Free Digital Nomad Coaching Session with me now!

When you hop on this call we’ll clearly define three things:

  • Your dream lifestyle
  • A game plan to get you there
  • How we can accelerate your results

To be clear, this is not for everyone.

But if you are serious about wanting to work remotely and travel the world successfully.

Then this is for YOU!

All you have to do is go ahead and click the button below, and fill out a brief form (< 60 seconds).

Once done, I’ll email you with a link to schedule to lock in a time.

Talk to you soon!

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